Nicky Green CounsellingCounselling & Psychotherapy in Surrey

Mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training (MBSR)

New course running this Autumn in Esher. Please contact me for further details.

About the Course

Stress is the response of the body to physical, mental or emotional pressure. The difficulty is that just when the reality of life has become more challenging our minds can get busy and inadvertently generate more stress.

Being mindful means learning to pay attention to ourselves in the present moment. Learning to tune into our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way has capacity to help us to make different choices and cope more effectively with what is actually happening.

Getting lost in thoughts, especially about the past and present, can also interrupt the mindful moments we do have that have potential to be restorative and self- caring.

The MBSR training approach was pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the late 70’s and continues to be delivered across the world in numerous settings. Research and science has shown that sustained mindfulness practice can be associated with improved overall health. Emotional regulation, improved pain management and a capacity to cope better with stress, anxiety and depression are all benefits of harnessing mindfulness.

The training comprises guided meditations, topics, and facilitated discussions within a small supportive group.

Sessions to include:

Guidance and safe space to practice formal and informal mindful meditative practices that use the breath and body as anchors to being present. This capacity to secure ourselves enables us to become more adept at observing the ways of the restless mind. Such practices can also be powerful as a means of calming during times of difficulty.

Learning how to relate to ourselves in a more compassionate way and trusting ourselves to know what we might need in terms of self-care.

Exploration of stress physiology as a means of developing an understanding of what and why this is happening in the body.

Mindfulness as a means of supporting us to be more aware of the habitual reactions we can have to situations. This has potential to support ourselves in relationship with ourselves and others.

More information

The course is delivered in a spacious, peaceful environment.

Although the MBSR course is suitable for most attendees will be asked to completion of a short health assessment which is treated in confidence.

The maximum number of participants is 12 .

The outcome of training is very much influenced by the commitment to home practice of between 45 minutes – 1 hour per day

About me

I attended my first MBSR training course in 2013. Since then I have been committed to practicing mindfulness as a practice to enhance my personal wellbeing.
I have undertaken training to teach mindful based approaches in conjunction with Bangor University and I follow the UK Good Practice Guidelines for teaching Mindful-based courses.

Mindfulness and Training (MBSR). Woods Banner

What next?

If you are interested in joining me for the Autumn course, or have any questions, please get in touch.

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